Source Code

Source code are the collections of coding questions and their source code. You will find the download link at the bottom of each page.


autocomplete with trie listing

Autocomplete with trie (3 solutions) – Code

Autocomplete is a feature that search box returns the suggestions based on what you have typed. Autocomplete with trie provides ...
DFS and adjacent matrix

Depth first search in matrix using recursion

An adjacency matrix is a 2d array representing a graph. The nodes are the headings for the rows and columns ...
shortest path using Dijkstra java

Shortest path and 2nd shortest path using Dijkstra – code

Dijkstra's algorithm is an algorithm to find the shortest paths between vertices in a graph. It uses greedy technique by ...
shortest path in matrix

Shortest path from source to destination in matrix – Code

Shortest path in matrix is to find the shortest distance from the the source to the destination. As you know, ...
huffman coding

Huffman coding and decoding – Step by step

What is huffman coding? Huffman coding is an algorithm to generate the binary code based on the frequencies of corresponding ...
build hierarchy tree listing

Build hierarchy tree – Code

Build hierarchy tree reads employee data and build a corporation hierarchy tree from the list. HashMap plays important role to ...
detect graph cycle

Detect cycle and remove cycle in directed graph

A graph is a data structure that consists of a set of nodes (vertices) connected by edges. A graph is ...
K closest points

Find K closest points to origin (3 solutions) – Time complexity explained

The K closest problem is to find K closest points to the pointer(0,0) (it is called center or origin). The ...
Prefix To Postfix

Prefix to postfix (2 solutions) – stack and recursion

In mathematics expressions, there are infix, prefix and postfix notations. Infix notation is characterized by the placement of operators between ...
modulo operation

Modulo operation and circular array

The modulo operation returns the remainder of one number divided by another. Modulo operator is a arithmetical operator, represented as ...


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