Autocomplete with trie (3 solutions) – Code

Autocomplete is a feature that search box returns the suggestions based on what you have typed. Autocomplete with trie provides an implementation of auto-complete by using data structure trie.

A trie is a tree-like data structure in which every node stores a character. After building the trie, strings or substrings can be retrieved by traversing down a path of the trie. First we define the TrieNode, which includes data, children and isEnd. The data is the character the node stores. The isEnd is to mark whether this node is the last node of a word. The children is the links to the nodes which hold next letter in the word. The children can be implemented with array, linked list, and hash map. Each implementation has its pros and cons. Take a loot at graph below to see the differences. Next we define Trie class, in which there are methods such as insert, search etc.

To implement autocomplete, we start from the root of the trie, navigate to the node which holds the last letter of the prefix (the input string). From there, we call the recursive method to find all the nodes branched from the last node of prefix. This method is the same as pre-order of the tree from the root. The time complexity is O(n). n is the number of nodes included (Prefix and branches).

There are three solutions, using array, linked list and hash map. All implementations have been provided in Java, JavaScript and Python.

Table of Content

autocomplete with trie

Amazon Interview Question:
Implement autocomplete using trie. When searching “amaz”, it should return words that start with “amaz” such as “amazon”, “amazon prime”, “amazing” etc.

Implementation 1: Children is defined as array
This is the most intuitive implementation. If all words are alphabets a-z, the array size is 26. If there are special characters such as space, the array size is 128. Since it is constant, it wouldn’t affect the complexity. But it takes more memory spaces.





autocomplete with trie array doodle

Implementation 2: Children is defined as linked list
The linked list implementations overcome the space problem in Array. The node is created only needed. but it takes time to search the node by char. The same as array size, the longest list size is limited to 26 or 128, based on what characters in the words.





autocomplete with trie list doodle

Implementation 3: Children is defined as hash map
This is similar to array implementation. In stead of using char as index, it uses char as the key in the hash map. It is the best solution since it doesn’t need to declare 26~128 long array in each trie node.





autocomplete with trie map doodle

amazon prime
amazing spider man

O Notation:
Time complexity: O(n), n is number of nodes included (Prefix and branches)
Space complexity: O(n)

How to implement autocomplete with trie?

To implement autocomplete, we start from the root of the trie, navigate to the node which holds the last letter of the prefix (the input string). From there, we call the recursive method to find all the nodes branched from the last node of prefix. This method is the same as pre-order of the tree from the root. The time complexity is O(n). n is the number of nodes included (Prefix and branches).


Autocomplete with trie (YouTube)
Java Coding Interview Pocket Book (2nd Edition)

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