A year as PlayStation backend engineer

sony story cover

2/15 Monday, It is 8:30 am, I come to the office early. Paul is already in his cubicle as usual. At 10 am, It is stand-up time.  Max and Jon are arguing about some issues in Tomcat servers in production. At 1 pm, Jose asks me to join in the …

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Amazon interview experience

amazon interview

This article is a mix of fiction and non-fiction for entertainment and inspiration purposes. My name is Alice. I have been working as software engineer for 16 years.  I change jobs every 2-4 years. It is not what you think – that I love to have challenges or seek higher …

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Eat Exercise Study – In the time of COVID-19

eat exercise study

COVID-19 has changed my life in many ways. Six months passed, I managed to make through in the time of COVID-19. This is my version of “Eat pray Love” story – started from March 2020… Table of Content Eat Exercise Study One more thing 1. Eat I love food. I …

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Girls who code

girls who code

I enjoy coding. While I’m writing code, I’m focused and peaceful. I meet a lot female software engineers in the working places. I summarize five reasons that girls learn to code. #1. Parents influence on what to study: If you have opportunity to go to any tech companies and Look …

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